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Patientenorientierte Gesundheitsversorgung

Veröffentlicht am 22.12.2013

Der Ausverkauf unserer kommunalen Infrastruktur ist in vollem Gange. Renditeorientierte Aktiengesellschaften kaufen Kliniken der Länder und Kommunen auf und erwerben die an den Rand der Insolvenz getriebenen "freien" niedergelassenen Praxen. Dieses Phänomen wird "integrierte Versorgung" genannt und endet bei "alles aus einer Hand", nämlich in den überwiegend von Kapitalgesellschften betriebenen medizinischen Versorgungszentren und den unterhaltenenden Klinikkettenkonzernen. Der Privatisierung der Uniklink Kiel ist Einhalt zu gebieten. Die Beispiele der Verkäufe der Uniklinik Göttingen/Gießen und der Hamburger Kliniken  zeigen, daß die Menschen auf der Strecke bleiben. Worum es geht? s. hier: Die mafiösen Strukturen des Gesundheitwesens soll niemand als das erkennen, was sie sind: menschenverachtende und enteignende Instrumente unter der Kontrolle der Parteien, die auf einem "Sozialberschiebebahnhof" zwangsabgepresste Beitragsmilliarden zweckentfremdet veruntreuen....

Der verkaufte Patient und unser vor dem Verkauf stehendes Gesundheitswesen!

25. August 2009
Ein Blick auf eine Stiftungsangestellte, deren beruflichen Weg und ihre Auftraggeber, zeigt wie sich die Drahtzieher des Umbaus längst vernetzt haben.

Auch wenn Sie den Namen Sophia Schlette nicht kennen, deren Tätigkeit hat etwas mit Ihnen als Patient zu tun. Bei der Bertelsmann Stiftung baute Frau Schlette seit 2002 das Internationale Netzwerk für Gesundheitspolitik und Reformen auf und leitet seitdem ebenso das Gesundheitspolitikprogramm der Stiftung.

Laut Unterlagen von Kaiser Permanente (USA) führt dieses internationale Netzwerk 2 x pro Jahr Experten aus 20 Industriestaaten zusammen, die über Entwicklungen der Gesundheitspolitik berichten und dabei Vorlagen und Vorgaben befolgen, die durch eine Gruppe unter Sophia Schlettes Führung entwickelt wurden!!!!! Weiter dokumentiert Kaiser Permanente, das Schlette als internationale Vermittlerin und Schulungsleiterin agiert und hoffentlich den Reformprozess bei den deutschen Entscheidungsträgern in Themen wie „Integrierte Versorgung“ beschleunigen kann!

Von Februar 2007 bis September 2008 war Sophia Schlette Teilzeitberaterin im deutschen Gesundheitsministerium. Und zwar in der Strategieabteilung des Ministeriums und unterstützte Aktivitäten während der deutschen EU-Präsidentschaft (halbjährlich in 2007). Während der Zeit am Ministerium beriet sie über gute Lösungen in „Praxis und Politik im Ausland“, die auch in der jetzt geführten Reformdebatte Berücksichtigung finden. Zum Beispiel die Koordination der Versorgung und Langzeitversorgung. Sie koordinierte und organisierte zwei Studienaufenthalte der Gesundheitsministerin Ulla Schmidt (Kalifornien 2007 und Massachusetts 2008).

Darüber hinaus fungierte Sophia Schlette als Englisch-Reden-Schreiberin für die Äußerungen der Gesundheitsministerin im Ausland. Sie arbeitete bei der WHO und für die EU-Kommission. Seit Mitte der 90-er Jahre fokussiert sie die Angelegenheiten des Gesundheitswesens in Deutschland und anderen Industrienationen.

Seit 1. Januar 2009 agiert sie bei Kaiser Permanente in den USA mit einer zeitweisen Anstellung als führender Beraterin für Internationales. Dort informiert sie deren Institut und die Direktion über Verfahrensmöglichkeiten/Versicherungsmöglichkeiten, sowie Zahlungsmechanismen und sie ist die Zentrale für schnelles internationales Datamining (Datenschürfen)!

Meine Fragen an Politiker aller Fraktionen, inwieweit die Umsetzung der amerikanischen Gesundheitswesens über das Unternehmen Kaiser Permanente bei uns eingeführt werden soll, blieben entweder unbeantwortet, oder wurden mit fadenscheinigen Aussagen wie: Wissen wir nichts davon, haben sie missverstanden oder sogar geht sie nichts an, beantwortet.

Zeigen wir der Politik bei der Bürgerprotestolympiade am 13. September 2009 im Münchner Olympiastadion, zwei Wochen vor der Bundestagswahl, hört auf uns für dumm zu verkaufen! Wir wissen was die Konzerne planen, wir sagen NEIN zu dem Umbau unseres Gesundheitswesens in eine Gesundheitsindustrie, in der wir als kranker Mensch zum Humanprodukt, zur gewinnbringenden Ware und unsere Ärzte zu funktionierenden Gesundheitstechnokraten werden.

Ich zähle auf Sie als informierter Bürgerpatient und verantwortungsvoller Arzt!

Ihre Renate Hartwig

Meine Artikel und Videos dürfen ganz oder auszugsweise
mit Quellenangabe weiter verbreitet werden.


Der Ausverkauf unserer kommunalen Infrastruktur ist in vollem Gange. Renditeorientierte Aktiengesellschaften kaufen Kliniken der Länder und Kommunen auf und erwerben die an den Rand der Insolvenz getriebenen "freien" niedergelassenen Praxen. Dieses Phänomen wird "integrierte Versorgung" genannt und endet bei "alles aus einer Hand", nämlich in den überwiegend von Kapitalgesellschften betriebenen medizinischen Versorgungszentren und den unterhaltenenden Klinikkettenkonzernen. Der Privatisierung der Uniklink Kiel ist Einhalt zu gebieten. Die Beispiele der Verkäufe der Uniklinik Göttingen/Gießen und der Hamburger Kliniken  zeigen, daß die Menschen auf der Strecke bleiben. Worum es geht? s. hier: Die mafiösen Strukturen des Gesundheitwesens soll niemand als das erkennen, was sie sind: menschenverachtende und enteignende Instrumente unter der Kontrolle der Parteien, die auf einem "Sozialberschiebebahnhof" zwangsabgepresste Beitragsmilliarden zweckentfremdet veruntreuen....

Der verkaufte Patient und unser vor dem Verkauf stehendes Gesundheitswesen!

25. August 2009
Ein Blick auf eine Stiftungsangestellte, deren beruflichen Weg und ihre Auftraggeber, zeigt wie sich die Drahtzieher des Umbaus längst vernetzt haben.

Auch wenn Sie den Namen Sophia Schlette nicht kennen, deren Tätigkeit hat etwas mit Ihnen als Patient zu tun. Bei der Bertelsmann Stiftung baute Frau Schlette seit 2002 das Internationale Netzwerk für Gesundheitspolitik und Reformen auf und leitet seitdem ebenso das Gesundheitspolitikprogramm der Stiftung.

Laut Unterlagen von Kaiser Permanente (USA) führt dieses internationale Netzwerk 2 x pro Jahr Experten aus 20 Industriestaaten zusammen, die über Entwicklungen der Gesundheitspolitik berichten und dabei Vorlagen und Vorgaben befolgen, die durch eine Gruppe unter Sophia Schlettes Führung entwickelt wurden!!!!! Weiter dokumentiert Kaiser Permanente, das Schlette als internationale Vermittlerin und Schulungsleiterin agiert und hoffentlich den Reformprozess bei den deutschen Entscheidungsträgern in Themen wie „Integrierte Versorgung“ beschleunigen kann!

Von Februar 2007 bis September 2008 war Sophia Schlette Teilzeitberaterin im deutschen Gesundheitsministerium. Und zwar in der Strategieabteilung des Ministeriums und unterstützte Aktivitäten während der deutschen EU-Präsidentschaft (halbjährlich in 2007). Während der Zeit am Ministerium beriet sie über gute Lösungen in „Praxis und Politik im Ausland“, die auch in der jetzt geführten Reformdebatte Berücksichtigung finden. Zum Beispiel die Koordination der Versorgung und Langzeitversorgung. Sie koordinierte und organisierte zwei Studienaufenthalte der Gesundheitsministerin Ulla Schmidt (Kalifornien 2007 und Massachusetts 2008).

Darüber hinaus fungierte Sophia Schlette als Englisch-Reden-Schreiberin für die Äußerungen der Gesundheitsministerin im Ausland. Sie arbeitete bei der WHO und für die EU-Kommission. Seit Mitte der 90-er Jahre fokussiert sie die Angelegenheiten des Gesundheitswesens in Deutschland und anderen Industrienationen.

Seit 1. Januar 2009 agiert sie bei Kaiser Permanente in den USA mit einer zeitweisen Anstellung als führender Beraterin für Internationales. Dort informiert sie deren Institut und die Direktion über Verfahrensmöglichkeiten/Versicherungsmöglichkeiten, sowie Zahlungsmechanismen und sie ist die Zentrale für schnelles internationales Datamining (Datenschürfen)!

Meine Fragen an Politiker aller Fraktionen, inwieweit die Umsetzung der amerikanischen Gesundheitswesens über das Unternehmen Kaiser Permanente bei uns eingeführt werden soll, blieben entweder unbeantwortet, oder wurden mit fadenscheinigen Aussagen wie: Wissen wir nichts davon, haben sie missverstanden oder sogar geht sie nichts an, beantwortet.

Zeigen wir der Politik bei der Bürgerprotestolympiade am 13. September 2009 im Münchner Olympiastadion, zwei Wochen vor der Bundestagswahl, hört auf uns für dumm zu verkaufen! Wir wissen was die Konzerne planen, wir sagen NEIN zu dem Umbau unseres Gesundheitswesens in eine Gesundheitsindustrie, in der wir als kranker Mensch zum Humanprodukt, zur gewinnbringenden Ware und unsere Ärzte zu funktionierenden Gesundheitstechnokraten werden.

Ich zähle auf Sie als informierter Bürgerpatient und verantwortungsvoller Arzt!

Ihre Renate Hartwig

Meine Artikel und Videos dürfen ganz oder auszugsweise
mit Quellenangabe weiter verbreitet werden.


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17.11.2013 17:22:55
By: Harry MillsWhen you sign up for a student loan, you will get an amnuot of money that you need to complete college. During that time you will be told that you do not have to pay back your loans until you have graduated from college. This is a very helpful thing that many people appreciate. Your graduation might come faster than you think, and this is a great thing. At the time of your graduation you will need to go through something called exit counseling. Do you know what this process includes and how you can work it? The following is some information that you should use in order to make sure you repay your loans back efficiently.This process will help you with proper repayment management, as well as management of your personal finances. This is the time when you will learn the rules, how you can consolidate your loans, and the consequences of defaulting on payments.Information You Will NeedYou will need to bring the following things to your advisor meeting in order to get everything taken care of. Make sure you have your driver’s license number, Social Security number, and your permanent address. You will also need to bring the name, address and telephone number of the company you are going to work for as well as the name, address and phone number of your nearest relative. Email: Tel:+447042035199 http://tzywuxd.com [url=http://mjcdvxn.com]mjcdvxn[/url] [link=http://ypoxibnbk.com]ypoxibnbk[/link]
15.11.2013 18:24:25
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14.11.2013 02:40:16
My 20 month old grandson is not tailkng yet.Early learning intervention gives him therapy 4 times a week teaching him sign language.He is on a wait list to be evaluated by a developmental pediatrician which is about a 1 year wait.He is just now starting to walk not good but its progress.He is scheduled to have tubes put in his ears at childrens hospital this month.I feel as though he understands us when we talk to him.If he wants something he will grab our hand and put it to something he wants making communication.How can we speed this testing up?Are we covering all the options for him? Worried Grandma and tired mother running with therapy .Praying for a miracle http://qbixozw.com [url=http://oraehhyhpm.com]oraehhyhpm[/url] [link=http://dqsvtsxoct.com]dqsvtsxoct[/link]
12.11.2013 14:08:31
My mortgage just went up $800. I could<a href="http://fsnckulgdbo.com"> berlay</a> pay the previous $2700. I applied for a modification with my comany, but they didn't approve me. I can't refinance, cause the house is worth less than what I owe. I can't seem to find a job paying nearly what I make or a second job that will work around my first. Here are my known options:1. Live in the house and pay nothing, go into forclosure in 3 months then be evicted in 4 months. (7 total)2. Make the payments, probably maxing out my credit till I'm broke and hope for a miracle3. Do a short sale ASAP and owe whatever is remaining on the loan. I owe $446K, the house is worth less than $400KFeel free to add options.
03.11.2013 21:01:01
Heres what you need to do:Start carrying a list and write down<a href="http://cklhtff.com"> emyertive</a> you purchase something. Even if its a .50 or $1 item write it down. Do this for a few weeks.Now sit down with your paycheck, bills and that list. Do a budget figuring the minium payment on all your bills and see how much money you have left each month. Next, see which debt has the highest interest rate. pay any extra money to it while paying the minium on e verything else. Once it's paid off take the amount you where paying to the paid off debt and add it to your next highest accuring debt and keep doing that.Now look at what you can cut out of your budget or downsize on. Things like taking lunch to work, making your d rinks and taking with you to work. make your morning coffee at home, cut the cell phone bill down, same with house phone and cable get rid of them or cut them down to the bear minium. Now, I would suggest selling your car and getting something for cash. I just did this and it now saves me $440 a month between the car payment and insurance. Even if you can get the amount you owe on the car, get a small loan to pay off the difference and sell it. If you h ave a extra room rent it out. You might want to look at picking up a second job too. It's amazing how 300-400 extra a month can help. Take all the money from the second job and pay it towards your debt. I would suggest gettting a book by D ave Ramsey called The complete money makeover . This will help you stay focused and teach you how to get out of debt. Once you are debt free and one day with alot of hard work you will be, remember how bad it feels nad never let yourself get in this position again. happy holidays and I wish you all the best. Trust me, follow this plan and it will work it has worked miracles for me over the last 3 mnths since I started doing it.
20.10.2013 09:59:37
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17.10.2013 08:55:06
There are some fascinating <a href="http://ldvnkidbjr.com">deeiadnls</a> in this article however I don’t know if I see all of them center to heart. There is some validity but I will take maintain opinion until I look into it further. Good article , thanks and we wish extra! Added to FeedBurner as nicely
08.10.2013 06:08:25
Government does not believe that high itoalnifn exists. They believe that people are living happily and there is no big issue prevailing in Bangladesh at this point of time other than the main problem of keeping opposition political parties activities under constant pressure and on the run Nero was fiddling while Rome was burning , as the adage goes .Let's hope some miracle happens and itoalnifn rate of 13% (plus) comes down to around 5% at the least. We are suffering and our downtrodden people are almost living from hands-to-mouth now.Edit: In order to curb on the ongoing itoalnifn hike the government should do the following:1. The first thing may be to increase the Bank lending rate. The Government Bank (Bangladesh Bank) may consider increasing the rate of interest on the loans other scheduled Banks take from BB. The country's monetary policies needs to be tightened now to check on itoalnifn.2. Since the rising food and fuel prices has caused the current itoalnifn in BD, the government should try to reduce the cost of these two commodities in the open market by way of starting OMS (Open Market Sale) and temporarily reduce or withdraw the Import duties and taxes on foodgrain and such food items those affects the poor people most. However, due to the existing volatility in the international commodity prices it would be uphill task for any government to bring down food and fuel prices if direct subsidy is not given, that may go counter to the the WTO (World Trade Organization) agreement's prohibited subsidy' clause. The Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (Subsidies Agreement) of the WTO provides rules for the use of government subsidies and for the application of remedies to address subsidized trade that has harmful commercial effects. 3. In the non-food category, government must see to it that the money spent for the healthcare of people are used productively and wisely to cover the people who can't afford high consultation fees and cost of the medicines. The health sector under government care is not at all doing satisfactory job forcing people to seek private sector which are 5 to 10 times costlier.4. Like any political government in a developing country our governments also have the tendency to dole out largesse (a gift or money given, as for service or out of benevolence, generosity or money given freely) to the people belonging to the ruling party or its hirelings, making rest of the people in disadvantageous position.5. Government must reduce its expenditures. There are more than 60 ministries now, those can easily be reduced to below 40, the savings can give government scope to put the money in productive sector to increase the GDP.These are the measure government may try and see if the itoalnifn rates are brought down to tolerable level of common people. http://ediyadvztq.com [url=http://pzejrpewnci.com]pzejrpewnci[/url] [link=http://jpagvrv.com]jpagvrv[/link]
06.10.2013 13:46:10
I'm going to give you my standard <a href="http://uarnxbzgpps.com">anewsr</a> to this question that I wrote up:You should contact your county social services offices and see what help may be available. I know in my area, a guy needed SSI, and a local church plus general welfare helped pay his bills until the social workers could get his SSI paperwork thru. He has schizophrenia or something, I'm not sure (don't like him, so I don't ask.) The mental health problem has to be very severe, or if you have another condition like low vision or hearing loss, the two disabilities together may be very severe. You have to be unable to work at ANY job where you could earn about $800 a month or more. So if you can flip burgers, you don't qualify. Not being able to work consistently is where many disabilities fit in. It's not realistic to hold a job if you will miss work 50 days a year, obviously. Some states have a program you pay into while you work that will pay for short term disability (that's what it's called, there is short term and long term disability). I know California had that, I used that program. I am pretty sure that Massachusetts does too. You can look at pay stubs and see if there is some state plan you have been paying into. Your employer may have been offering short term and long term disability. Long term disability covers mental illnesses only 2 years, usually (discrimination) but that will get you over to SSI/SSA. In CA and Arkansas, the more genetically based mental illnesses may be covered the same as any other illness tho. Get the book Social Security Disability from Nolo Press, at nolo.com, or see if you can get it at your library (maybe even through an interlibrary loan?) It will give you a lot of background on how to apply, what criteria are used, and how to fill out the forms. You have to be profoundly disabled to get disability, and if you are relatively young and educated, it will be harder. But if you really can't hold down a job, and you can document that, you should get it eventually. You will almost certainly be rejected the first time, and the process takes awhile, so somehow you have to manage your finances in the meantime.Keep in mind that once you go on disability, you will never get off of it, no one does. You will be in poverty the rest of your life unless you marry out of it or a miracle cures you. The ways the rules are make you dependent on the system, so keep that in mind when you are deciding if you want to do this. A lot of people have no choice, because they can't work at all, or they can't keep a job with insurance to get their pills. but it's still humiliating in America to have no job-people always ask when you are being introduced, Oh hello, what do YOU do for a living? which ends up being a very nosy question without meaning to. If you can get supportive help from social services (in my state, they will pay for support groups and a social worker to visit and help with paperwork) or tweak your meds some more, or from a local consumer group (google the words consumer, mental, and your state. Consumer=person getting mental health services) then maybe you won't have to go on disability.I'm on SSA myself, and need the Medicare, so I'm not being judgmental, I just want you to know what you're getting into. For me, there was no other way. I know a lot of people in the same boat. **Get the book I recommended, it will give you all the legal and inside information to see if you qualify.**All the best to you! I hope you feel better soon!
05.10.2013 20:45:54
Peter Stellpaydayallday.com – Need some extra cash! Get up to $ 1500 by tomorrow! Cash <a href="http://ceftpauz.com">dicretly</a> to your Account, Bad Credit good, qualified easily, your data is confidential.Apply online now:
05.10.2013 12:27:47
No one probably wants to hear this, but I think the ecnmooy is far WORSE than the market indicates. If one read my post history, esp from about spring/summer 2007, I have been trying to help and tell people to watch out for this economic fallout starting with the real estate market. It is worse than I expected. I do this professionally, and had been advising clients back in spring 2004 that we need to watch rising interest rates and that the housing market could be in serious trouble in about 2 years if rates keep going up, which they did.You know that in any Bear Market there are huge rallies. You know that these are just technical moves, not a move to a new Bull Market.Issues to deal with:1. Banks still not lending (that much). Banks also have huge credit card portfolios that are probably going to get a lot worse as the ecnmooy slows, and more jobs are lost.2. MASSIVE US DEBT. $10 Trillion and counting faster than ever. The FED has increased their securities balance sheet by over 300% in 2008, pushing near $3 Trillion. The US Gov is guaranteeing another $5 trillion in FNM/FRE, another $700 Billion so called bank bailout, add what another $200 Billion so far for AIG, the costs of JPM-Bear Stearns deal; and the billions the FDIC has had to fork over for the 122 failed banks thus far. Oh, and add the auto industry bailouts. Trust me, it will be more costly than $25 Billion. Just watch.Congress (The Demo's) are proposing a $500 Billion ($ 1/2 Trillion) stimulus plan, which may go to help state's shore up some of their financial mismanagement, and Obama wants to build hybrid cars, some roads and bridges by creating more government jobs. Hybrid cars: Nice idea, a little late. Are you going to run out and buy a hybrid car or any car in this ecnmooy? If so, is there a bank willing to make a 5 year loan to you? And that car will prob be worth what as soon as you drive it off the lot? – A lot less? Hybrid cars already exist by virtually all the major manufacturers, and that hasn’t stimulated sales or the ecnmooy. Toyota’s sales have plunged just like Ford’s. It’s not hybrid cars that are the problem; it’s the ecnmooy.The rest of the world, such as China, Japan, Brazil, and Europe tend to have high fuel efficient cars. Guess what? Their economies are plunging too. So hybrid cars are not the economic solution to the ecnmooy.I'll take any bet that building roads and bridges and hybrid cars are not going to be the historical miracle that we will read 20 years from now that got us out of this current economic mess. Please.If you want to stimulate the ecnmooy, and your strategy is to go in to more debt, then you might as well do a balance transfer from consumer debt to federal debt. We are already taking on $8-9 Trillion in debt and guarantees, and this has not got people to rush out and buy homes, cars, buy stocks, or spend in the ecnmooy. So, I'm moving to the position that if we are going to further increase massive US Debt, you might as well take that $ 1/2 trillion and give it to tax payers. We are paying for it anyway, and at 1% interest (Fed Funds Rate FFR) and the FFR is probably going lower to bd% in December 2008, and maybe to 0% (FFR) by 2009; that is a cheaper cost than any credit card or mortgage loan rate anyone has in this country hence the federal balance transfer idea.The alternative is to allow the free to market work, and accept massive consumer defaults, major bank failures, and the market tanks to Dow 4900-5000 or maybe 6000. It will take years (maybe 10-20) to recover to previous highs. Note: NASDAQ has yet to hit its all time high since 2000, and there are a ton of stocks trading at 10+ year lows already. There are some stocks that never recovered from the Crash of 1987, and a ton of company that died in the Great Depression. No nationalization of consumer debt? OK, what else can we do?We can just keep racking up the national debt anyway, throw trillions of dollars at any business that ran their business into the ground and looking to be bailed out, rather than restructure under more favorable terms. So pick one. I can tell you that the USG is taking the position to spend their way out of recession. **** Effectively it is like this: “We are going to take on massive debt in order to improve our economic situation.” U.S. Government’s strategy to improve the ecnmooyTry maxing out your credit cards and home equity lines of credit (if you have any left) and see how that improves your financial situation. We’ll, that is what the government is doing.3. OK, let's say we get out of this crisis. Let's pretend that housing is stable, consumers are buying again, jobs are plentiful, and banks are lending. Then what? Watch out for the next big issue: Hyper inflation. The more debt the USG takes on will have the tendency to devalue the US Dollar. A declining US Dollar drives all imported goods higher. This means food, energy (oil/ gas), and retail. All of this debt from an economic perspective is more than likely to increase inflation as the ecnmooy improves. The costs of loans, etc. can also soar during inflationary times. This impact can SLOW an ecnmooy really quickly. Please review the ecnmooy during the Carter Administration.This could be the 3rd negative wave for the ecnmooy: The .com bust #1 (2000-2002); Credit issues #2 (2007-?); Hyper-Inflation #3 (date TBA).Yes, we could have deflation and negative growth before any hyper inflation, and this 3rd scenario is only likely if the ecnmooy turns around. 4. Taxes. If Obama and crew (Congress) decide to raise taxes (on anyone), raise cap gains (on anyone) I still see this is as big negative for the ecnmooy. These targeted tax strategies on businesses and the wealthy' were used during the Great Depression to effectively redistribute money to people who needed it, and who were out of work, etc. What was the result of higher taxes and cap gains? The result gave us a 25% unemployment rate, 50% of all homes in the USA went into foreclosure, and we got massive bank failures. The ecnmooy stayed in the tank for 10-11 years. Only WWII got us out of that economic crisis.Now, I am not suggesting we are going to have 25% unemployment and 50% foreclosures. The gov is already throwing (borrowed) money at banks to keep the big ones in business. What I am saying is, this is what happened during the Great Depression when taxes were increased. Other factors caused the Great Depression such as no securities regulation, high leverage (if I recall history, margin was 90-1; 10 cents on the dollar), and we had banks that were in the securities underwriting business. Does any of this sound familiar? We don’t want to further worsen the current similar economic situation by taxation.So what stimulates an ecnmooy?Historically, lower interest rates and lower taxes stimulate an ecnmooy. Show me any country that has high sales tax rates and higher income taxes and I'll show you a 3rd world country. I don't mean 3rd world country with no electricity and dirt roads. I mean they are 3rd or lower in terms of economic power.The Socialists countries have 40-50% income tax rates and 20-50% sales tax rates for everyone. If this strategy was so successful, they would be the economic power houses in the world. The ecnmooy will improve one day, but to say this is a mild 1-2 year recession is a gross understatement. Every bit of data I have read has shown that were are comparing the current ecnmooy, and the stock market to the recessions of 1973-74, 1980-81, and 1929-1933.When you compare today’s ecnmooy to the worst recessions in U.S. history, that is not a bullish sign. http://whicyakchb.com [url=http://kyuszw.com]kyuszw[/url] [link=http://bhefiawdixl.com]bhefiawdixl[/link]
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